Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Beyond Free Software
Aspects of Free Software
Social movements
Theories on peer production
Future of peer production
ox4 - Final Version
Free Software and Beyond
The World of Peer Production
Athina Karatzogianni
Confronting the difficulties of learning from the open source for contemporary social movements
Charles Collis
The next phase in civilisation: post-scarcity through open-source design and advanced automation
Christian Siefkes
Peer Production Everywhere
Christina Haralanova
Women's Participation to Free and Open Source Software Development
Diego Saravia
Free Software in Latin America, State and Community.
Franz Nahrada
A Pattern Language Of The Postindustrial Society
George Dafermos
An empirical study of division of labour in free software development
Herbert Hrachovec
Socrates, Truth and Peer Production
Jacco Lammers
c,mm,n - open-source mobility
Johan Söderberg
Ronja - Darknet of Lights
John McKerrell
Open Street Map Session
Marcin Jakubowski
Building the World's First, Replicable, Open Source Global Village
Mathieu O'Neil
The social impact of online tribal bureaucracy
Michel Bauwens
Oekonux & P2P Foundation
Political Scenarios for a peer to peer world
Philippe Aigrain
Conditions for synergy between free non-market exchanges and the economy
Raoul Victor
Money and Peer Production
Silke Meyer
"Peer reproduction"?
Smári McCarthy
The End of (artificial) Scarcity
Stefan Merten
4th Oekonux Conference and Beyond
Current limitations of peer production
Oekonux & P2P Foundation
Stevan Harnad
On the affinities and disaffinities among free software, peer-to-peer access, and open access to peer-reviewed research
Tatiana Bazzichelli
The Art of Networking
Vinay Gupta
Ending Poverty with Open Hardware